Other Randomness

Author Interview: A.L. Mabry

So, the first awesome newness I have for y’all is an author interview by a fantastic author – A.L. Mabry. Now, you may have seen her around before. She’s 51JxOL1htoL._UY250_featured in Ambrosia: A Poetry Anthology and Tales from Our Write Side: An Anthology. Well, she’s back at it again with her own short story collection, Darker Daze: The Storms Within.

Enough intro, now, right? Let’s get to the main event and chat with Amanda!

Music and writing, how does it work for you?

I listen to music for EVERYTHING, especially writing. I tend to listen instrumental only  when I am writing because lyrics will make my mind wander. One of my favorite playlists for writing is Brunuhville on Youtube.

51TSPj8E0FL._UY250_Who are some of your favorite authors?

I love fantasy, horror, and romance most of all. Any of these genres with a dash of wry humor and I am totally sold. Stephen King and Dean Koontz are favorites, as is Nicholas Sparks. I love the process of pulling a reader through a mundane set up before throwing them into horror. I also love blending horror and supernatural elements.

If you were stranded in the middle of nowhere with no hope of rescue for at least 2 weeks, what 3 things would you make sure to have with you?

My copy of Necronomicon, a firestarter kit, a water purifying straw.

Inspirations and ideas—where do you find them?

Everywhere. Literally. People, places, quotes, art…I am constantly inspired.

What’s your favorite part about writing? Least favorite?

My favorite part of writing is working on rewrites after a dev editor has combed through my work. There is something satisfying about having someone ask a bunch of questions and point out the plot holes that I automatically filled in in my head.


There you have it. Words from the lady of the day herself. You can hit Amanda up on all her social media via her website – http://authoralmabry.com/

And go buy her book – I’ve gotten a sneak peek at a story or two and it is amazing!


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